Sustainability Agenda

Sustainability Agenda

The sustainability Agenda is based on the company's vision and, naturally, takes into account CIMPOR’s Human Resources Policy, which aims at ensuring the continuity of our business through the rejuvenation of our employees and respect for a set of universal principles such as: 

•    UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 
•    ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises & Social Policy
•    UN Global Compact Principles
•    UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights
•    OECD Guidelines for MNEs

In addition, the SDG/UN SDG Sustainable Development Goals, which were launched during the second half of 2015, represent a historic opportunity to strengthen the bonds of trust built between the business world and its stakeholders as a way in which to positively impact society. As such, these principles are in line with CIMPOR's ideals.

As part of its Sustainability Agenda, CIMPOR is working towards implementing initiatives and presenting structured progress associated with the general outcomes of some of the SDG, based on 7 pillars:

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