Central Laboratory
Our Central Laboratory is based in Praceta Teófilo Araújo Rato, 2600-540 Alhandra-Portugal.
Its primary function is to support the production and quality management of products produced in the CIMPOR, OYAK group manufacturing plants.
Our Central Laboratory operates internationally.
The CL's operations broadly cover the following areas:
Characterisation of cement, their constituents, and Raw Materials
Characterisation of fuels Tests to characterise liquid and solid fuels, whether fossil fuels or other.
Characterising Concrete and Aggregates
Tests on pastes, mortars and concrete
Studies (R&D) The company carries out several studies and research operations to support the cement industry
The laboratory also provides laboratory services to other entities that request it, in the areas of its competence and in compliance with regulatory requirements and NP EN ISO/IEC 17025 and NP EN ISO 9001 standards.
Accredited Tests
List of Accredited Tests
Accreditation Technical Annex
Services - Requesting tests
Requests for tests to be performed should be addressed to the Laboratory, preferably by email, using one of the contacts below and CCing the Laboratory Manager.
Services - Dissatisfaction
Should any client be dissatisfied with the services provided by the testing Laboratory, please let us know via the contact details listed below."
Laboratory Director (Gonçalo Almeida)
Mobile phone no.: 351 915 381 429
Landline: 351 219 408 551
Chemistry Technician (Sofia Matos)
Phone no.: 351 219 408 551
Aggregates and Concrete Technician (Rodrigo Lino Santos)
Phone no.: 351 219 408 551