Taking Part in Interlaboratory Studies
ATILH - Association Technique de l'Industrie des Liants Hydrauliques (The French Technical Association of the Hydraulic Binder Industry) - 176 Laboratories (Annual) - Cement
IECA - Instituto Español del Cemento y sus Aplicaciones (The Spanish Institute of Cement and its Application) - 79 Laboratories (Biannual) - Cement and Cement clinker.
ATIC - Associação Técnica da Indústria de Cimento (Cement Industry Technical Association) - 22 Laboratories (Quarterly) - Cement.
IGVS - Instituto Galego de Vivenda e Solo (Galician Institute of Housing and Land) - 23 Laboratories (Annual) - Cement
LQSI - Laboratory Quality Services International - 89 Laboratories (Quarterly) - Coal, Petcoke and Biomass
AGLAE - Association Générale des Laboratoires d'Anlayse de L'Environnement (General
Association of Analytical and Testing Laboratories) - 43 Laboratories (Biannual) - Sediments
Sludge - SECIL - 20 Laboratories (Annual) - Oily Sludge
RELACRE - Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal (Portugal Accredited Laboratories Association) - 33 Laboratories (Annual) - Aggregates
RELACRE - Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal (Portugal Accredited Laboratories Association) - 30 Laboratories (Annual) - Concrete
RELACRE - Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal (Portugal Accredited Laboratories Association) - 9 Laboratories (Annual) - Stone dust
CIMPOR - 11 Laboratories (Annual) - Limestone, Bone meal, Cement, Cement Clinker and Petcoque