
Circular Economy

Circular Economy

Nature needs to be able to keep up with the natural resources used in order to regenerate. However, at the current rate of waste produced, our planet is slowly exhausting itself with absorbing it all.

CIMPOR provides a safe waste management service for industries and cities using co-processing , reducing environmental liabilities and optimising the way we use our own resources through:

  • Energy and material valorisation of by-products and urban waste, as well as waste from other industries;

  • Establishing partnerships with companies from different sectors to use waste and/or by-products of these industries (which would otherwise be discarded without economic value) as raw materials and fuels, often avoiding significant environmental losses and liabilities.

The recovery, reuse and recycling of by-products or industrial waste to reduce the consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels are currently well accepted, established industrial practices worldwide, provided that stringent criteria are met, specifically those of the “waste hierarchy”.

Industries must become increasingly innovative in the way they address energy usage, recovery, reuse, and the recycling of by-products and endogenous resources currently available. This is necessary to continue meeting the requirements of a growing world population with increasing consumption levels.

By using by-products of raw materials and fuels from other industries, insights can be gained into closed-circuit behaviour, which is then able to cut out waste production in many ecosystems. CIMPOR has sought to establish solid and lasting industrial partnerships with waste-generating industries and waste managers. This waste can then be used as a source of raw materials and fuels used in the production of cement products, ensuring all quality and environmental protection standards are met.

The use of alternative fuels at CIMPOR complies with the applicable environmental legislation and meets very strict criteria, which include not internally using waste that is not expected to be recovered, characterised, and added to a “blacklist”. Respect for guidelines developed under the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI),Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), transferred from World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) para a Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), to the he Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), regarding the responsible use of raw materials and alternative fuels, according to current industry best practices, presents an approach in line with the Sustainable Development principles.