CIMRep 2

Plasticized pallet - single-use
56 bags
Mortar for Structural Concrete Repair.
- 23 kg bags.
- 1472 kg Pallets (64 bags).
1 year from the manufacturing date, in its original unopened packaging and in a dry place.
Dry mortar, composed of cement, selected aggregates, fibers, and chemical admixtures.
1. Preparation of the surface
- Clean the areas to be repaired, completely removing all loose, disaggregated, and/or deteriorated materials using appropriate mechanical cleaning methods. The reinforcement should be treated with CIMRep F Rust Converter.
- Once the substrate that will serve as the base for the application of the repair material has been obtained, ensure that it is clean, free from dust, and neither too dry nor too wet. It is recommended to apply CIMRep A Bonding Primer beforehand.
2. Mixing
- Mechanically mix the product with 6 litres of clean water per 23 kg bag until achieving a consistent, homogeneous mixture without lumps.
3. Application
- Apply manually.
- If applied over CIMRep A, ensure that it is under proper curing conditions.
- Apply the product within 30 minutes after mixing.
- Do not add more water after completing the mixing process.
- Do not apply in extreme temperatures: <5ºC and >30ºC.
- Do not apply on frozen surfaces and avoid strong winds and exposure to intense sunlight.
- Do not add other products.
- Do not add water after finishing the mixing process. Respect the amount of mixing water indicated on the bag.
- Each individual layer of the mortar should have a thickness between 5 and 10 mm, and each layer should have similar thicknesses to each other, up to a maximum thickness of 80 mm.
- Avoid inhaling dust and contact with the skin and/or eyes.
- Refer to the Technical Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet for more detailed information.
Compressive Strength, at 28 days ≥ 45 N/mm2
Chloride Content: < 0,01%
Adhesion: ≥ 2,0 N/mm2
Thermal Compatibility (Restricted Shrinkage/Expansion): ≥ 2,0 N/mm2
Capillary Absorption: ≤ 0,5 kgm-2h-0,5
Elasic Modulus: ≥ 20.000 N/mm2
Carbonation resistence: dk ≤ control concrete (MC(0,45))
Yields: 18,5±2 kg/m2 per cm thickness